Sometimes, getting the video you want on YouTube is not an easy task. The user does not clearly define what you want and, because the search engine of the popular video website need to be very accurate, the results do not always agree with what you want to see.

Youtube, in an attempt to improve this, but also to attract more users and ensure that, tera gold, these remain more time on the web (currently staying about 15 minutes on average), announced a few days 'Topics' (Topics), a tool which tried to searches, even the most abstract, provide satisfactory results for the user, as announced on Youtube Blog.

"People do not know what to look for they know not what is, or seek correctly because misspelled terms or do, aika gold, not succeed in putting the right", he said recently Palash Nandy, engineer YouTube searches on the BBC. Every day get up on the web more than 50,000 hours of new video, which makes the search even more among so much material.

The tool 'Topics', which is available in Testube (in U.S.), also seeks to give greater visibility to many "jewels" (in the words, gaia gold, of Nandy) that "are not getting a wide exposure." Youtube is getting with this, results through the user comments on videos they have seen sites that have been linked to video and even what people have seen in the past.

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