The bullfighter Cehegin Antonio Puerta, who suffered a broken left humerus in catching suffered last Saturday in Mula, has been operated in the hospital "Virgen de la Arrixaca" of Murcia, where he has placed a plate to facilitate the union of the broken bone. The intervention, as indicated by his attorney , Antonio Gonzalez Barnes, "has proved a success, but the, ffxiv gil, sword will not be able to return to the ring for another three or four months.

Puerta resulted overwhelmed by his first bull in the celebration of Mula, when he was already in the final leg of the crutch slaughter, the injury from which he has been involved.
The Bureau and the Board of Speakers of Parliament study NaBai morning two applications which seeks the Ombudsman and the Institute of Women report on the adequacy of textbooks for Citizenship Education or moral education-Civica of several publishers. At the same meeting, decide on the admissibility of several motions, including one that urges the Provincial Executive to submit by 30 December the, gaia gold, Provincial bill of rights and duties of citizens of Navarra (PSN) and another urges him to be counted as public debt financing of infrastructure by the formula in the shadow toll (NaBai).

Also comments on the processing of two bills taken into consideration in the final plenary, presented by IUN-NEB on custody and UPN laying promote measures against the inclusion in the, star trek online gold, social media advertising content discriminatory or prejudicial to the dignity of individuals.

On the agenda are two initiatives on the Government's approach in relation to the proposition of Provincial Council Act guarantees the rights and dignity in the process end of life (NaBai) and on the proposition of Foral Law which records are created by professionals in relation to, eve isk, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (PSN).

Among the applications included the appearance of the Minister of Economy and Finance to report on the results of the Plan to Fight Financial Fraud in the year 2009, a proposal the Government and the PSN.

The session will also consider initiatives related to the company SKF, the organization Manos Unidas, teams assessing the situation of dependency, "the chaos" in the online enrollment of the Language School or homes that have been protected granted to trade unions CCOO and UGT.
The study, reported by Europa Press, indicates that a trait that characterizes the advanced technology sectors is its "special relationship with the outside world." This trade is characterized also by presenting a surplus balance with the balance estimated at 75 million euros in 2009.

Thus, says that exports are up 2.6 percent over imports and highlights especially the trade balance surplus of aircraft and spacecraft construction and machinery, sto credits, (+473 million in 2009) as well as in motor vehicles , trailers and semitrailers (131.2 million).

Thus, insists that this important sector of advanced technology in terms of foreign trade is much higher than it has in number of companies, which represent 1.8 percent of non-agricultural businesses in the region, and is observed in the export side as the importer.

In this context, 16.2, gaia gold, percent of the value of products imported from abroad for Andalucia in 2009 corresponded to advanced technology products, a percentage that rises to 20.9 percent in the case of exported products.

It is also noted that the trade balance with foreign advanced technology products shows a positive balance in 2009, in a context in which the difference between imports and total exports of, ffxiv gil, Andalucia has been in deficit. Specifically, the export value of this type of Andalusian products has exceeded 2.6 percent the value of imports, amounting in 2991 and 2.916 million euros, respectively.

This study also suggests that over 60 percent of the export of these products in 2009 (62.4%) has corresponded to products of media-manufacturing sectors of high technology, highlighting their relative importance for the chemical industry, with 30 cent.

It also has a significant weight and space aircraft construction and machinery, which accounts for 27 percent of the value of the export of advanced technology, these products being also those with better outcome compared to 2008, registering a growth of exports from 72.1 percent in a context in addition to overall decrease (-6.2%).

From the standpoint of imports, nearly three quarters of foreign purchases of technologically advanced products has been allocated to technology manufacturing sectors in medium-high (74.7%), with emphasis on chemical industry (34, 4% of total imports), and the manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere considered (21.1%).

In terms of evolution compared to 2008, are notable increases occurring in imports of products Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft and related machinery, which have more than doubled (134.2%), while total imports of goods advanced technology have decreased (-32%).
A Lapuente Transport worker is injured foot today to crush a truck, reported to the department of economics of the Aragon government. The wounded, EFL, was treated for injuries by medical personnel of the Mutual of Accidents of Zaragoza (MAZ).

The accident occurred this morning when, apparently, the worker was hit when the truck, sto credits, backing into the said carrier, which is located within the polygon of Malpica.
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The president of Melilla, Juan Jose Imbroda, now considered necessary to organize a tribute to the agents of the National Police and Civil Guard working on the border with Morocco for them and recognize their moral merits. A journalists' questions, Imbroda has insisted that these agents "have endured an unbearable pressure on the border" that makes them worthy of this honor,, STO gold, especially when they have been "and still remain very helpless" by the national government.

Imbroda believed that Zapatero's government "simply was not when he had to be."

"If not, I ask you to civil guards, the policemen and women police to see what has been there for months," he added.

In the opinion of President Melilla, Spain's Socialist government, ffxiv gil, has been "very badly" the Melilla border crisis since the incidents "had to be over long before."

In any case, Imbroda has called for giving "a pause" to see how the next few days elapse since the Moroccan activists shut down the blockades at the border until the end of the holy month of Ramadan, when morning arrived.

However, said convinced that these, ffxiv gil, activists, who are "a small group of three or four," is devoted to other things if the Moroccan government tells you.

"Sure, what they say the Moroccan government is what they will spend" as is "agriculture or philately," exemplified.

As for the version that gave yesterday in the House of Representatives Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Interior, Imbroda has meant that "there will be more protests if the government says they have fixed."

"I hope that they do not exist and are magnificent relations between Melilla and its Moroccan environment," he concluded.
The second edition of the Montana Marathon Media "Condado de Medellin", organized by the City Council of this town in collaboration with Organizalia 2000 and the Junta de Extremadura, to be held next September 26. The circuit will have a distance of 21.097 km, including two rounds by a route that runs through beautiful landscapes of Medellin as the castle, the Roman Theatre, sto credits, and the natural pond, which highlights the harshness of the increases to the hills and Quintus Caecilius the castle itself.

According to the organization, the degree of difficulty of the test is moderate and includes a cumulative drop of 403 meters up and down 412 meters, with half of the circuit paths and the rest by road.

At 10 o'clock in the, ffxiv gil, morning will give you the start of the race in the Plaza de Hernan Cortes for under 12 with a distance of 600 meters, which will continue the test aimed at young people of 13-17 years, with one kilometers and a half trip, and then the half marathon, about 10.30 hours.

Establishing the categories of senior male and senior female, 18-34 years; veterans aged 35 to 44 years, and veteran B, 45 years and older.

The first classification of the general will receive a bust of Hernan Cortes, the sculptor Ricardo Garcia Lozano, valued at 300 euros, and also the top three male and female will receive a lot of food in Extremadura., gaia gold,

The chapter also awards include the amount of 100, 50 and 30 euros for the top three overall male and female, and trophies and medals for top three in each category.
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