The second edition of the Montana Marathon Media "Condado de Medellin", organized by the City Council of this town in collaboration with Organizalia 2000 and the Junta de Extremadura, to be held next September 26. The circuit will have a distance of 21.097 km, including two rounds by a route that runs through beautiful landscapes of Medellin as the castle, the Roman Theatre, sto credits, and the natural pond, which highlights the harshness of the increases to the hills and Quintus Caecilius the castle itself.

According to the organization, the degree of difficulty of the test is moderate and includes a cumulative drop of 403 meters up and down 412 meters, with half of the circuit paths and the rest by road.

At 10 o'clock in the, ffxiv gil, morning will give you the start of the race in the Plaza de Hernan Cortes for under 12 with a distance of 600 meters, which will continue the test aimed at young people of 13-17 years, with one kilometers and a half trip, and then the half marathon, about 10.30 hours.

Establishing the categories of senior male and senior female, 18-34 years; veterans aged 35 to 44 years, and veteran B, 45 years and older.

The first classification of the general will receive a bust of Hernan Cortes, the sculptor Ricardo Garcia Lozano, valued at 300 euros, and also the top three male and female will receive a lot of food in Extremadura., gaia gold,

The chapter also awards include the amount of 100, 50 and 30 euros for the top three overall male and female, and trophies and medals for top three in each category.

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