Experts in various fields will discuss, during the month of November from this coming Tuesday, the Human Rights Forum powered by the Bizkaia Provincial Council, which addressed issues such as humanitarian action in Haiti, the debate on " clothing "and religious diversity, youth with gender equity and the impact of the current economic crisis.

The initiative, organized by the Directorate General for, STO gold, Equality and Civil Rights, facing its third edition with the aim of "creating a place to meet, debate and reflection in which to address in depth topical issues and thus contribute to the attainment of a society more just and fraternal. "

This forum, open to the public, is held every Tuesday, starting at 19.00 am in, fallen earth buy chips, the Salon de Actos of the General Assemblies of Bizkaia in Bilbao. In total, four talks are planned with the participation of eight experts who addressed new issues and actions within the field of Human Rights.

The director of Equality and Civil Rights, Josu Bergara, explained that through this initiative aims to "make visible many of the fundamentals that, buy fallen earth chips, have to do with the dignity of people and they are violated or undermined both locally and internationally. "

In general terms, the issues to be tackled in this edition will focus on actions in Haiti after the earthquake and the "challenges" in its reconstruction, the current debate about "the dress" and the management of cultural and religious diversity, the reality of, fallen earth buy chips, youth with gender equity, and the repercussions of the economic crisis in society.

"All of them, Bergson emphasized issues and topical realities we want to put before the citizenry with the help of experts in each area and transferred to every day that we live in Bizkaia.

Ripped the opening day on Tuesday November 9 with the theme "Humanitarian Action and Human Rights: Haiti, ongoing challenges', in the presence of Cristina Churruca (Institute of Human Rights Pedro Arrupe) and Lourdes Benavides (Intermon-Oxfam).

The second talk will be held on Tuesday 16 November under the title 'Management of diversity and human rights: debates on the dress' by Jordi Morera (Tr [a] nsits consulting firm) and Hajar Samadi (Young Muslim Women Association Bidaya .)

On 23 November, the Forum will focus on the theme "Youth and Human Rights: values and attitudes toward gender equity ', with the presence of Isabel Menendez (trainer on gender and equal opportunities) and David Lopategi (Euskadi Youth Council .)

The closing day of the Forum will be held on Tuesday 30 November with the debate 'economic crisis and human rights: challenges of living' by Maria Jose Farinas (Instituto Bartolome de las Casas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Xabier Aierdi Urraza (Ikuspegi-Basque Observatory of Immigration).

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