The vice president and spokesman of the Government of Aragon, Jose Angel Biel, has claimed Thursday the urgent convening of the bilateral commission with the State to the "violations" of agreements reached last year and "infringement" of rights enshrined in the Statute of Autonomy of Aragon.

Biel has indicated that the draft law on State Budget does not include items for the works to be, eve isk, agreed with the Third Vice President Manuel Chaves, as Matarra?a rafts, and that the central government has not respected the process of budgeting agreed with Aragon and gives effect to the sixth additional provision.

In this regard, the Executive Aragon recalled in a statement that while managing the Basin Andalucia and Castilla Leon Guadalquivir finalizing the transfer of the Duero, the central government "hard work, ffxiv gil, on the Ebro at the same time keeping certain privileges within concession with Cataluna in the same basin. "

Regarding the budget, the central government has denied information requested by the Executive Aragon on previous years budget execution allow to recover items that are not executed via additional provision as with Andalucia, Catalonia or the Balearic Islands. Thus, Aragon unaware that items included in the, gaia gold, 2011 budget from previous years really are modified after suffering this summer.

Another agreement "failed" is the participation in the infrastructure of general interest territorialized whose working group was formed solely to collect the requests of the autonomous region, seeking 137 million euros in new investments in roads to the central government has spent "barely 37".

Also, the regional highlights "the 31.5 million who claim Aragon to start work on widening of the N-232 and the Ministry of Public intended 539,690 euros."

Biel has held that "it is extremely serious that the central government fails to fulfill its commitments and agreements with Aragon and one of its members justify budgets and the breach of the Statute."

However, "we will try to resolve" the situation "but do not see it easier for some members of the government statements that I have not read the statute (Aragon) and saying things that should not say," concluded the vice president.

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