I never had too much time to play WoW and when I do, I spend it in BGs or raiding. Farming gold is boring, but necessary, so considering my limited time, I had to use the least time consuming methods. Therefore, here is a brief WoW Cataclysm farming guide for casual players like me.

So, are you ready for the quick gold methods I'm going to reveal in guild wars 2 gold my brief WoW Cataclysm farming guide? This is what you need to know.

Method #1

I'm pretty sure that you know many players are required to use potions, flasks and foods in raids. If they don't have any, their guild or raid leaders might not select them for the weekly raids. This being said, you have to know that after each server restart, follows a raid restart for any player. That's when they need the consumables the most. However, the prices for consumables might get lower, the prices for the materials required for the consumables rise, because everyone is too busy raiding instead of farming. So, before every server restart, herbs, fish and Volatile Life are good choices to invest in, and after the restart, it's time to sell and collect the profits.

Method #2

The second method I'm going to reveal in this WoW cataclysm farming guide consumes a bit more time than the first one. It require a bit of gathering, and the mining profession. Of course, any player can adjust their mining sessions to their time. For example, I go gathering for 10-20 min. in the morning, while I drink my coffee before work. Best mineral to farm isn't even in the Cataclysm areas. It's in Un'Goro Crater. I'm talking about buy guild wars 2 gold Thorium. This mineral is needed by players for the intermediary skills of various crafts and it usually sells like hot cakes. in 10-20 min. I usually make 5-6 stacks in Un'Goro, without competition of course.

I hope my brief WoW Cataclysm farming guide is helpful enough for any casual player. Happy farming.

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